Jee Karda is a web series that premiered on MX Player on June 8, 2023. The series is created by Abbas Dalal and Hussain Dalal, and it is directed by Arunima Sharma. The series stars Tamannaah Bhatia, Sayan Banerjee, Aashim Gulati, Simone Singh, Dolly Ahluwalia, Suhail Nayyar, and Hussain Dalal.
The series follows the lives of seven childhood friends who grew up together in Mumbai. The friends are all from different backgrounds, but they come together to form a close-knit group. The series explores the ups and downs of their friendship, from the first loves to the first heartbreaks. It also features a look at the city of Mumbai, which is a vibrant and diverse metropolis.
Jee Karda has been praised for its heartwarming story and its relatable characters. The series has also been praised for its cast, which is made up of talented actors who bring the characters to life.
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One of the things that makes Jee Karda so enjoyable is its heartwarming story. The series is full of love, friendship, and laughter, and it will leave you feeling good about life. The story is also relatable to anyone who has ever had close friends.
Another thing that makes Jee Karda so good is its relatable characters. The characters in the series are all flawed, but they are also all likable. You will find yourself rooting for them as they navigate through the challenges of life.
The cast of Jee Karda is one of the best things about the series. The actors all give great performances, and they really bring the characters to life. Tamannaah Bhatia is particularly good as the protagonist, Melroy. Bhatia is able to capture the vulnerability and strength of Melroy, and she also shows Melroy’s growth and development over the course of the series.
Overall, Jee Karda is a great web series that is sure to entertain you. It is heartwarming, relatable, and well-made. If you are looking for a new web series to watch, I highly recommend Jee Karda.
Here are some additional details about the series:
- Genre: Drama, Romance
- Language: Hindi
- Number of episodes: 10
- Running time: 25 minutes per episode
- Release date: June 8, 2023
- Platform: MX Player